Buycotting vs. Boycotting after an Election


We’ve seen quite a bit of both over the last 4.5 years. A politician comes out and has views contrary to your beliefs or values and yet a company you used to love or support praises them. So whats your defense? You boycott them and stop supporting them.

The inverse also is true. Think after Chic-fil-a with their right wing conservative values stated that they believe marriage is between a man and a woman and that led to the LBGTQ boycotting while others that held those values of marriage started to buycott and lines filled up chic-fil-a’s drive throughs to the street.

In some cases a company will lose 10% of their clients but gain exposure and the other 90% will still support. What I’m looking to analyze is post election which companies receive the buy vs boycott and how they perform over the next year compared to after the 2016 election.

The TPP was a sore subject to many and had people burning their New Balances afterwards but how did New Balance perform there after? How about Nike?

I prefer to analyze data and not opinion. Look at the statistics and surrounding information for causes and affect to determine what I’d expect to see is less boycotting and buycotting but will analyze the data to determine and compare it to 2016 for analysis.

To be continued…



Richart Ruddie
Richart Ruddie

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