Richart Ruddie Explains How The 3 Levels of Employees Relates to Parenting
I had initially shared this piece on but it’s home will live here at
I was reading a newsletter today that correlates greatly to parenting, work, and just everyday life. The more you strive for success the higher the reward and thus the driver for greater motivation. James Clear shared a very helpful quote that discusses the different levels of employees and similarly they’re are the 3 levels of parents that could go hand in hand.
These are the 3 different Levels of Employees:
Level 1 Employee — They do what you ask them to do but nothing more.
Level 2 Employee — Level 1 + They think ahead and solve problems before they happen.
Level 3 Employee — Level 2 + They proactively look for areas of opportunity and growth in the business, and figure out how to tap into them.
Now you can’t expect every employee to be a level 3 and some are very happy to come into work and be a level 1 but the level 3 employees are the ones who grow and help the company expand and become more efficient.
Relating this to Parenting?
So you’re probably not going to see a book by Richart Ruddie about parenting but Level 1 Employees can be translated to Level 1 Parents. How so? Parents who don’t push their kids to be a better person or to ask them about their day and how school is going are just going to be Level 1 parents and not have a higher level of connection with their children.
Level 2 Parents try to prevent negative actions to protect their kids from bullies or bad situations and ask them about their feelings but then Level 3 parents go the extra mile to not only discuss what is going right and wrong with their childrens life but also work proactively to help them grow into the best version of themselves.
Let’s all strive to be level 3’s in 2020 and beyond.